If your request was ignored, read the following advice.

Your request should be reviewed in a few days and you may receive a short form asking why you don’t want their mailing. It’s a pretty polite way which you probably won’t consider for intrusive marketers. If a company somehow hid the “unsubscribe” link and you can’t find it or it doesn’t work, just ask the company to remove your email from their mailing lists. In risky cases, try other ways to get rid of spam emails. Thus, it is recommended to unsubscribe only if you have permitted mailing yourself, or if you trust the source. The simplest thing they track is that the email address, whose owner tried to unsubscribe from spam, is actively used. Some spammers may use it to get more information about you. However, following this link is not always safe. As a rule, they make it barely noticeable somewhere in the very bottom thus, you may simply not notice it without searching purposely. All companies that send mass emails are obliged to provide the “unsubscribe” option in each one. Your problem may have a much easier solution than you think. In this case, you should consider cleaning up your mailbox.

Of course, it negatively affects your everyday life and may even give you the feeling that you don’t have control over it. If you have one email for everything, do not use special tools to keep it clean, and have no time to check and remove each email, there’s probably a lot of trash, which you don’t even touch. At the same time, it is a link between you and various entities that look for customers. Your mailbox is the most comfortable tool for formal communication.